One or two shots of espresso is a fantastic indulgence, particularly for people who appreciate excellent coffee. It is usually necessary to purchase an expensive espresso machine or make a trip to your local coffee shop in order to enjoy an espresso shot.
If you don’t have the time or money to pursue these avenues, what are your options? It is possible to brew an espresso style coffee – often known as a ‘almost’ espresso – using a manual coffee machine (which you most likely already have). Here are four different ways to make espresso without using a machine.
Defining the term “Espresso” coffee
It is surprising that, despite its widespread use in coffee shops around the world, there is no universally accepted definition for an espresso (1). In fact, it is nearly simpler to get specialists to agree on what espresso is not than it is to get them to agree on what espresso is. On a few fundamental principles, though, everyone appears to be on the same page.
Espresso is a highly concentrated coffee beverage composed solely of coffee and water, and it is served hot. It is often prepared in a machine that uses extremely high pressure to drive hot water through a densely packed basket of finely ground coffee in a short period of time.
Because of the crema, the finished drink has a foamy surface layer on top, which is difficult to accomplish using other brewing methods.
Specifically, the technicalities, such as the precise pressure, water temperature, and number of grams of coffee, differ between equipment and baristas, as well as between definitions. Most experts agree that a minimum pressure of 9 bars (130 psi) is required for espresso brewing, a force that necessitates the use of a specialized espresso machine.
The powerful flavor characteristic of espresso is derived from an extremely high coffee-to-water ratio, however there is considerable disagreement over the exact proportions. Scott Rao ( 2 ), author of The Professional Barista’s Handbook and other coffee-related literature, has the following to say about the subject:
Put another way, it’s the ratio of the weight of the espresso’s beverage to the weight of the dry grounds that were used to manufacture the shot. A 2:1 ratio would be achieved, for example, if the barista pulls a 36g shot from 18g of ground coffee.
Do you understand what I’m saying? So if you have the ability to drive a small amount of hot water through a large amount of coffee in a short period of time, you can generate something that is very close to espresso. Before we go any further, here are some basic techniques you may use to make (nearly) espresso at home.
How to Make Espresso with a French Press
If all you have is a french press, but you have a strong desire for espresso-based coffee, you have what we refer to as a major dilemma. As an immersion form of brewing, the french press lacks the pressure required for a shot of espresso, however there is a hack to make virtually espresso with a french press by following the instructions below.
If you employ the following small trick, you can produce coffee that tastes like espresso with a French press: double brewing.
What you’ll need:
- A French press coffee maker for this.
- Espresso beans are a type of coffee bean (or any dark roast coffee beans)
- Burr grinders are used for grinding burrs.
How to make it
- Prepare your beans by grinding them to a coarse consistency (as you normally would for french press brewing)
- Prepare your coffee in your french press in the same manner as you normally would.
- Pour your coffee into a canister or jug after filtering it through a sieve or filter.
- Immediately following this, begin brewing another french press coffee, but this time, instead of using water, use the coffee you just prepared to create the new coffee. This is a case of double brewing.
Don’t expect much crema, but you will end up with a really strong coffee that has an espresso-like flavor. Now froth or steam your milk to produce a latte, cappuccino, or any beverage of your choice. If you’re still not sure how to make a perfect french press brew, here’s a guide with even more french press brewing instructions.
Instructions for Making Espresso in a Moka Pot or on a Stovetop
Despite the fact that it does not produce actual espresso, the Moka pot is frequently referred to as a stovetop espresso machine. The coffee we all know is made in an espresso machine by forcing water through coffee grounds under high pressure.
When produced on a stovetop, the resulting beverage is concentrated and tasty, similar to an espresso, but it lacks the characteristic crema that is found in espresso when poured. It is possible to get a gorgeous golden layer on the top of the pot if you use the freshest beans; however, this layer does not transfer to the cup.
Although a Moka pot is an easy and inexpensive way to make espresso-style coffee at home, it is not recommended for beginners. Over-extraction and burnt-tasting coffee are the two most common problems that arise when using a Moka pot, but both may be prevented with a little care and practice.
What you’ll need:
- Moka pot is a type of cooking pot that is used to make coffee.
- Espresso beans are a type of coffee bean.
- Grinder
- Water that has been filtered and chilled
- a steaming mug
How to make it
- Finely ground the beans to resemble an espresso grind.
- The bottom chamber of the Moka pot should be filled with cool, filtered water.
- Fill the filter basket halfway with the ground beans and assemble the Moka pot by inserting the filter basket into the bottom chamber of the pot filled with water and screwing on the top chamber to seal it in place.
- Cooking with a Moka pot is simple: simply place it on a heat source (a stovetop burner, hot plate, or even an open fire if you’re camping) and wait for the water in the lower chamber in reach a boil.
- Wait for the distinctive bubbling sound that indicates that the upper chamber is presently brimming with wonderful coffee. Remove the Moka pot from the heat as soon as possible and pour the contents of the upper chamber into a mug as quickly as possible.