A French press is frequently handled in the same way as Jason Segal’s character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall is. People tend to flock to the showy, volatile sorts like coffee-siphon-somethings or Russell Brands, but he’s the one you want. The French press is a potential coffee happily-ever-after, but it isn’t rocket science… yet it is science!
The French press, also known as the cafetiere or coffee press, is a cylinder-shaped beaker with a plunger (typically glass, but often plastic or steel). The plunger’s piston is built of mesh, which allows liquid to pass through but not bigger coffee grounds.
While brewing French press coffee appears to be straightforward, if you’re not careful, you could end up with a cup of coffee that is extremely bitter or silty. But don’t worry, it’s just as simple to avoid as it is to get involved. We’ve put up this comprehensive guide to help you brew a delicious cup of French press coffee every time you use it. You can make a great pot of French press coffee whenever you want with just a few simple steps.
What exactly is required?
- Water
- Coffee that has been coarsely ground
French oress
Mug of coffee
What is the proper way to brew French press coffee?
French press coffee is simple to make and takes only a few minutes to brew. In less than 10 minutes, you may have a pot of rich, aromatic black coffee on the table. The eight basic steps to making a great cup of French press coffee are detailed in the next section.
1. Remove the lid and filter from the container
First, remove the lid and filter from your French press and place them aside. If your French press is constructed of glass, you may want to pre-heat it to avoid the possibility of cracking or shattering the glass. Pour hot, but not boiling, water into your French press and allow it to sit for a few minutes before pressing the button. Pour the water out of the container before adding the coffee grinds.
2. Bring water to a boil
Bring a pot of water to a boil. While it is recommended that you use filtered water for the greatest flavor, it is not needed. French presses, in contrast to espresso machines and single-serve pod machines, are not particularly sensitive to the minerals present in unfiltered water. You’ll want your water to be just below boiling point, at roughly 195°F, for the greatest brewing results. To accomplish this quickly and easily, bring your water to a full boil and then turn off the burner. If you wait a few seconds before pouring the water, it should be at the perfect temperature for your purposes.
3. Prepare your coffee by grinding it
To make whole bean coffee, grind it to a coarse consistency that is nearly the same texture as Kosher salt, or to an even, coarse consistency. This grind size will allow for a significant amount of extraction while without getting in the way of the filtering system. If you use coffee that has been ground too finely, it may become over-extracted and bitter, making it difficult to push the filter down and producing an excessively silty cup of coffee. If you buy your coffee pre-ground, look for a coarse or French press grind to get the most of your cup.
4. Take the time to measure your coffee
Fill the French press halfway with your ground coffee. When making coffee, you’ll need around two tablespoons of coffee grounds for every six ounces of water.
5. Allow your coffee to mature
Using a tiny quantity of water, spray your grounds in a circular pattern and let it sit for a few seconds. Your coffee will bloom as a result, releasing delectable scents and oils as it does so.
6. Add the remaining water to the pan
Pour the remainder of the water onto the grounds while continuing to make circles. Place the lid and filter on top of the water and grounds in a gentle manner.
7. Sit back and wait for your coffee to brew
Allow three to four minutes for the coffee to steep before serving. You can cook it for a little longer if you want a stronger flavor, but you usually won’t want to cook it for more than four minutes at the most. Allowing your coffee to steep for an excessive amount of time can lead your beans to get over-extracted, resulting in a bitter flavor in your coffee.
8. Ladle the coffee into your mug and set aside
The coffee should be poured into your mug or carafe as soon as it has finished brewing. It is preferable not to leave coffee in the French press for an extended period of time. In the brewer, the water is still in contact with the spent coffee grounds, and allowing it to stay with them for an extended period of time (even as little as 20 minutes) can result in over-extraction and bitterness.
While it is recommended that you use filtered water for the greatest flavor, it is not needed. French presses, in contrast to espresso machines and single-serve pod machines, are not particularly sensitive to the minerals present in unfiltered water.
For those who don’t care for the thicker texture of French press coffee, you can filter it through a paper or cloth filter after brewing it. Keep in mind that removing the characteristic mouthfeel and natural oils of coffee produced in a French press may alter the flavor, as the coffee will lose its distinctive flavor.
Simply said, that’s all there is to it. If you follow these eight simple steps, you will be able to produce excellent French press coffee every time. It is important to appropriately set up your French press in order to avoid too silty or bitter coffee and to provide a consistent and wonderful flavor. With any luck, this fast guide will assist you in becoming an expert in the art of producing French press coffee.